Evelyn's Lullaby...Lyrics Recreated by Elizabeth Loeffler...Performed by Jodi Davis
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Binky Battle

Evelyn must have known I was singing her praises for sleeping through the night... last night she did a 180 on me.  It's been a while since we've had a bad night, but last night ranked up there with "all night colic spell" & "reflux to the point of projectile regurgitation"... if I had to give last night a name, let it be "Binky Battle"...

Binky Battle
A game that Evelyn loves to hate... and that I just hate...

Evelyn loves her binky.  Must have her binky to sleep! Of course, I created this monster... instead of just letting her cry herself to sleep in the early days, I plugged her up with the binky.  Of course, it silenced her like a charm and even settled her enough to fall asleep quicker and easier.  

The drawback? Now, she MUST have the binky... 
"But, that isn't a problem... just give her the binky", you say!! 
 Oh if it were only that simple! 

You see, Evelyn doesn't have the dexterity to take a fallen binky and simply place it in her mouth... and her sucking reflex seizes when she falls asleep.  So, inevitably when she falls asleep she loses her binky, wakes up to an empty mouth, gets upset, can't put it back in on her own, gets MORE upset... you can see where this is going!!!  

-Usually when she loses her pacifier, she's in a deep enough sleep that she just doesn't notice and goes without it the rest of the night... 
last night was an exception!

So, 'Baby Wise' says that as long as you know the baby has a dry diaper, is not within 30 minutes of a feeding, and is not ill, letting the baby cry themselves to sleep will NOT hurt the baby.  and I quote:

"There may be a brief period of fussing or crying 
when you put the baby down...
Your baby will not lose brain cells, experience a drop in IQ, 
or have feelings of rejection that will leave her manic-depressive at age thirty...
if you want a fussy baby, never let her cry, 
and hold, rock, and feed her as soon as she starts to fuss.  
We guarantee that you will achieve your goal!!!!"

I'm not sure that 'Baby Wise' took into consideration the baby who's tenacity is undying!! Evelyn cried, wait... let me restate:  Evelyn SCREAMED for 30 minutes.  I knew that her diaper was dry, she was not ill, and she had just finished 7 oz. of milk & cereal... that child could NOT have been hungry.  

I went in & she had lost her binky... it was laying only inches from her face and she had tears pouring out of her precious eyes and was screaming at the pacifier... as if to will it back into her mouth.  I replaced the pacifier, rubbed her back for a minute until she settled. Minutes later she was asleep again... only to awaken for round 2 of the binky battle!!

This went on all night long!!  45 minutes wouldn't go before another 30-minute screaming session began... therefore, I probably got five or six 30-minute increments of sleep... I was a complete zombie this morning!! 

I usually take Evelyn to work with me... she always requires atleast 50% of my concentration.  Today I didn't even have 50% of concentration to offer... therefore, I turned to my mother, best friend, and more times than not, life saver! 

I talked to her at 7:00 am and asked her to come to Norman to keep Evelyn for the day so that I could somewhat focus at work.  I no more than completed my sentence, and mom was on her way here... So, Evelyn got to spend the day with her Sittie... and I was somewhat productive at work!   

Last night was exhausting! I just hope tonight is peaceful!!! 

On a sweeter note:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

May Your House Smell Like Home

Evelyn is in her swing napping after hanging out in the kitchen with mommy, watching me cook from her counter topped Bumbo

Jordan is showering, getting 'centered' before the big OU game...

Ruz & Yahknee is simmering on the stove, filling the house with the inviting scent of hearty buttered braised beef, rich tomato juice, and warm cinnamon- a combination that, for me, smells like home.

The Christmas lights are wrapped tightly around the trunk of our hundred year old Oak... fifteen feet of bark covered in tiny clear lights, seizing to look like individual strands...giving our Oak her one month of the year to really shine, illuminating our quaint little street. Peter Pan Street, at that!

Life Is Good!

Last time I posted, Evelyn was still inhabiting my belly.  So much has changed since then... 3 months since her birth I think I'm getting the hang of things around here... juggling my roles: wife, homemaker, case-manager, and my newest & most important role: 

Evelyn is sleeping through the night... 11 hours! She began sleeping 9 hours at 6 weeks! God was gracious in inserting the "sleeping chip" when He created my Evelyn... He knew that, for this mommy, sleep & sanity are synonymous... That doesn't mean we haven't had our sleepless nights.  We have!! But they have been few & far between.  
(Early nights of colic & adjusting to new formula)

After my sabbatical of adjustment, I think I'm back to blogging 
(don't hold me to it...)
It's good to be back!

But, for your sake I'll stop blabbing & give you what you really want... 
Pictures of our Evelyn.

Oh!  And the much coveted recipe for Ruz-n-Yahknee!!! 
May your House smell like Home!

 First Day Home

2 Weeks Old

One Month

First Bath
3 Weeks

4 Weeks

6 weeks

First Halloween
Clowin' Around at 8 Weeks
(No, there are not wigs to fit infants on any market! Hence, Evie's homemade wig!!)

10 Weeks

3 Months Old!!

3 Months Old
In the layette I wore at her age!! 

Ruz & Yaknee

A Lebanese favorite that never fails to bring a family together!!

The important ingredient of this recipe is the dash of cinnamon!

Interpreted: Ruz (rice)
Yakhnee (Meat & Okra topping for rice)

Serves 6


4 cups Uncle Ben's Original Rice (not instant)
1/2 cup vermicelli, broken into small pieces (1/4")
8 cups water
1/2 stick butter

2 lbs. whole frozen okra
1 large onion, slivered
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (to taste)
2 crushed cloves garlic
2 cans tomato sauce
1 can tomato juice
1 can tomato paste
1 large can whole tomatoes
2 lbs. cubed extra lean beef, cut into 1" squares
1/2 cup butter
salt & pepper to taste



Saute onions in butter in large (5 quart pot). Place cubed beef in with sauteed onions. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Put enough water in pot just to cover the meat.
Cover & place on med-high heat until meat is braised & tender (most of water will be evaporated)

Add garlic, tomato sauce, tomato juice, tomato paste, whole tomatoes, & cinnamon.

Let cook on low until juice is thickened.

The longer this simmers, the more rich the flavors become. 

15 minutes prior to serving, add okra.


melt butter in bottom of large pot.
Add vermicelli and stir constantly until crispy and browned.
Add rice & water.
Cover & cook on medium-high for 15 minutes until all the water is evaporated. (do not overcook)

To Serve: Spoon Yaknee mixture on a mound of Ruz

Enjoy!! xoxo