Evelyn's Lullaby...Lyrics Recreated by Elizabeth Loeffler...Performed by Jodi Davis
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Bird Sanctuary

So, I finished painting the canvases the other night and applied the trees the next evening.  It was definately not as easy as I was anticipating.  It took me 4 hours... an hour per tree!! i cannot wait to get the nursery painted so I can hang the canvases.  Here are some pictures of my progress along the way.


I'm really pleased with the final result... it's 6 ft. x 6 ft so it will take up the majority of one wall of the nursery & kind of be the focal point.  so, now i need to paint the walls and the woodwork!!! (which is NO FUN!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Perfect Shade of Gray

it's 12:46 pm and i cannot sleep *sigh* 
i started feeling sick about 10 pm 
(flu like symptoms, hoping it's not the flu)
AND tomorrow is my long day at work.  disasterous!

those who can't sleep: blog, right?!? well, i'm hoping it'll be my remedy...
First off, I heard a song today that I want to use as a lullaby for the baby.... its lyrics are beautiful.  i'll share a snippet with you:

When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm, is a golden sky
and the sweet silver song of a lark

-Rodgers & Hammerstein, 1945

are those lyrics not beautiful?

... moving on...

I started on my first project for the nursery today!! I saw that canvases were 40% off at Michael's and lo & behold! I need canvases for the nursery!!! so, i went and bought six (two different sizes)... i've painted them the perfect shade of gray (but not without my mask with its very own ventilation system!!) and will be adding these incredibly beautiful and ethereal white tree and bird decals (hopefully tomorrow)... it will take up most of my one blank wall... the vision in my mind is soft, sweet, serene & sophisticated. (that's a lot of 's' adjectives).... here are some pictures of my progress... stay tuned to see the final product!!! i think you'll love it

Blank Canvases                   Me & my ventilated mask! no fumes for me!

    the perfect shade of gray       finished with my second coat!

okay, it's now 1:09 a.m.  i'm gonna go see if sleep will accept me... night night!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Something Tangible

jordan and i had our first doctor's appointment today!!!

It was my first meeting with the man who will deliver our baby!! jordan and i really liked dr. porter... he spent 45 minutes in the room with us answering all our questions and making us feel comfortable. 

I was not scheduled to have an ultrasound but dr. porter could tell that i had some concerns about possibly having multiples since my chances for such were increased by clomid... so, he allowed us to have our first ultrasound today!!


but, first we heard the heartbeat... WOW.  i was in complete awe of that gallopping repetative sound of life. i wish i could permanently listen to that sound through the entire pregnancy... so secure and strong! 177 beats/minute... my little peanut is working so hard!!! i fell a little more in love... 

....then we had our ultrasound!!!

!!!!!ONE BABY!!!!!

of course we were relieved to find out we were not having multiples!!! a friend of mine said she heard jordan's sigh all the way from the other side of norman... hahaha.
the baby measures at 9 weeks 1 day as opposed to 10 weeks which we originally thought. 
so, our new due date is September 15, 2010!!! 
i have so much to do before then... 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Letter to The Baby

DeaR bAbY,

even befoRe i have a belly that provEs to everyonE
...tHat you're here 
that you're mine...

even before i know whether you'll be 

...your dadDy's little girl
yoUr momma's baby boy...

even befoRe i've fElt you flutter wiThin mE, 

...i know... 

you are the greatest gifGod has giveN!!

...i know...

i have moRe love for you thaN 
i've eveR iMagineD possible

i look so forwaRd to Every dAy i have witH yOu... 

...before you greet us...
 and chanGe our liveS Forever...

:for the next 7 months: 
:you are mine : and i yours:

you are my greatest accomplishment, 
my sweet angel

i love you,