Evelyn's Lullaby...Lyrics Recreated by Elizabeth Loeffler...Performed by Jodi Davis
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 16, 2010

Evelyn Doesn't Like Manual Labor

I have a list of things that need to be done before Evelyn arrives:

1. Clean out the garage
          - about 6 months before I got pregnant I decided to renovate our house.  I began with the living room, painting all the woodwork and walls... even getting new furniture.  Then I took on the kitchen.  I ripped up all the countertops and put down tile on the countertops. i put brick pavers in as the backsplash.   i installed a butcher block, new sink, and new stove.  I tore out a cabinet to install a trash compactor.  I also painted all the woodwork in the kitchen.  I didn't hire anyone!!!! Needless to say I worked my butt off.  Our garage became my workspace and my time was NOT spent cleaning up after myself.  The house looks GREAT! the garage became a complete disaster area.  saw dust, paint, mortar, concrete, tools were everywhere!! we couldn't even walk through the garage... before this baby gets here we HAD to undo what I had done to the garage.

2. Turn the office into a nursery

3. have our carpets professionally cleaned
           - our carpets in the bedrooms have gotten a bit splotchy from my puppies... not good for a baby

I know there's so much more to this list.  the point is, we finally knocked off one of big ones.  Jordan and I took a deep breath yesterday morning and went full speed ahead and turned our demolished concrete room attached to the side of the house into a functioning and CLEAN garage!! it feels so good to have that done!! but, i over did it.  I started having sharp pains in my lower abdomen, probably from stooping and lifting for 5 hours straight.  The pain got really bad last evening.  I finally called the doctor and they told me to take a warm bath, take some tylenol and lie down for the rest of the night.  And to check occassionally to make sure I wasn't bleeding.  I began to feel better and this morning felt just fine (aside from my daily headache) although I keep checking for blood just to be sure.  but, all is fine.  needless to say, evelyn warned me that she really doesn't like manual labor!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, Liz!

    I can remember when I was pregnant with Bailey, we decided to extend our back patio. This required numerous trips with bags of sand and pavers. My neighbors were mortified that I was partaking in the project. I didn't think it was any big deal. Now that I'm NOT the one in the hot seat, I can say, "Don't lift anything heavy, Missy!" Milk this time for all it's worth, because no one will have any sympathy for you here in a few months. :-)
